Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Building beasts of Nurgle.

So I finally got around to putting together the beast of Nurgle models I bought from Titan Forge at Essen so I thought I do a quick review, but how well will they compare to the GW kits?

Friday, 13 December 2013


I was walking home through Romford Wednesday so stopped in GW and picked up stronghold assault. Read on for my thoughts...

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Filling Battlefoam!

I love and hate Black Friday as it brings Battlefoam's 25% discount weekend and I just can't resist getting something. So what did I pick up this year?

Playing 40k!

Rob popped over for a game of 40k and as we haven't played in a while it was nice to take to dust off the Guard and see if I can still roll an outrageous amount of Carapace saves for my Guardsmen. So who will take the midweek 40k crown, Guard or Orks?

Monday, 2 December 2013

Sorting out E.L.F's doubles event

A quick post to let people know the details for next years Doubles event.

CrimboCon confirmation list

Hello boys and girls, this is a quick list to confirm RSVPs for CrimboCon and let everyone see who is attending on which days. So far we have:

Will Jones (as it's his place we'll assume full attendance )
Dave Pike (Friday/Saturday nights)
Rob Pike (Friday/Saturday nights)
Amanda Pike (Saturday night)
Tom Hughes (Friday night)
Richard Hughes (Saturday night)
Lee Griffiths (Friday/Saturday night)

I'll update as I hear back from people.