Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Another KoW unit.

Just a quick pic of my latest unit. I really need to get the painting done but making models is just so much fun!

I didn't like the Ogre riders for two main reasons. First they made the models a lot taller than I needed so would need larger foam. Secondly the GW Ogres wouldn't match the Mantic Ogres aesthetic. It definitely didn't have anything to do with making them quicker to paint!

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Some quick modelling

Just a super quick image update on my KoW Goblin Scout Cav unit conversions for my two troops units (which I can put together for a regiment if I find they are just far too weak. I need them to give me a 20" charge threat for shooting/artillery units (oh the pain that was my last game against Will's ridiculously fast Abyssal Dwarf army!).
I only had four whole spiders kicking around as I had cut the legs off all the others when I was putting together my Nids (I have a new plan for them which I shall reveal in a future post!) I then remembered I had some left overs from the Araknarok spider models and boom, these were born. Should be quick to paint too!