Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Making my own Destiny!

So with my return to full time work I have had an opportunity to design and manufacture some more player aids but this time for Star Wars Destiny! 

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Making another logo.

A quick idea I knocked up for the title for any play through videos ELF might make.
80's /clip show inspired design

Monday, 2 January 2017

Knocking up designs!

Just a quick couple of images to show off some of the designs I have put together for the logos/titles for some of the Youtube videos we will have going up on the ELF Geek Network.
First draft for Nic's series of Toy reviews, I still feel it needs a background.

For my Descent Videos
Still working on ideas for Ant if he wants to do some Through the Desert videos.