Thursday, 26 July 2018

Getting on with my Descent into summer

Howdy gamers of all persuasions! Whilst the world melts around me I have found the time to keep chipping away at my Descent project. 
Finally finished up the monsters for the base game! They don't look bad on mass, though I really dislike the blood effect on the shadow dragons now so might have to fix that later.

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Getting excited and disappointed about Kill Team!

So I got all excited when I heard really positive things about kill team. I began to believe that it could indeed be coming home this summer (my enthusiasm for the 40k universe not the football world cup!) and then I saw that you used card decks... and everything fell apart. Not only do I dislike this mechanic when each player has their own deck as I just want to focus on what my models can do, not have to track what could pop out of a random deck. But this is the FFG effect, spread out all the useful cards over all your boxsets meaning you have to purchase them all even if you don't want those models. Buying decks is bad enough but I can handle that, having to buy space wolf models when I want to play blood angels or orcs when I want to play genestealers is just annoying. Yes there are those out there that love to buy everything, but I just a way to play with the models I already have.
Looking forward to giving it a try but have a feeling that it is going to be another Necromunda for me, cool idea but too many layers of complexity and money grabs. Lets hope I'm wrong!
May your card flips be in your favour!

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

More messing with Hero Forge

So I decided to play around with Hero Forge and this is what I have doe so far:
More like the original model, I like it but painting /printing this could be annoying

My Dark Cabal!

Evening peeps! Just a quick post with a few images of my finished Flesh Moulders!
I have to keep reminding myself they are viewed at arms length and not at the distance I am sat from them!

I may go back ate some point and put in s few more details like eyes and sore skin around the spots on the legs but just want to get stuff on the table asap at the moment 
Off to do the Goblins now! May your paints never split!