Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Finishing my Priests

Finally finished the Dark Priests. Photo, as usual, not really as good at showing off the bits I am proud of but hey they are done. Now for a couple of dragons and heroes!

Dicing with lasers!

Just a quick image dump of my first steps into custom dice manufacture:
I bought completely blank dice so I have engraved the pips as well 

I only used up two dice in my testing (one properly and one from accidental laser settings so now it is a test die too!) leaving me 18 left over...

...the first batch of six are Dave dice but I can't resist the idea of making dice for others games. But which ones to choose?

Saturday, 6 October 2018

Gaming with the ELFers

Had a great day with Rob, Nic and Rich playing some great games, check it out!