Sunday, 19 January 2020

Finishing up painting, finally!

It turns out that a full time job and parenting are a distraction from painting miniatures, who knew? So it has taken me quite a while to get my act together and finish off the last of my lieutenants from the Descent base game. Really happy with how it turned out especially as I hadn't painted in a few months so always takes a while to get back on the horse.
Tried out a couple of lighting effects (eyes and belt buckle) and generally happy with how they turned out

Still a surprise how much the shading/highlighting changes when you varnish a model, though with time you start to subconsciously plan for it

The wings are far more purple then the art (see below) but I didn't have the confidence to go for a near ly completely black model

Tried going lighter on the face but it just went a bit pinky so settled for matching the wings
Don't think it is too far away from the art work, wish I had had the confidence/time to practice NMM to the standard needed to do this art in full but there are so many more models to paint for the game that I will take greater pleasure in getting one step closer to completion!