Monday, 10 February 2020

Going solo for the first time

A while back Will sent me a text saying he had been playing through Some Mansions of Madness scenarios that we had attempted (and thoroughly died at). At the time I thought it made sense given the strong narrative nature of the game and the fact that there are so many variables that you can get tons of replay. I have recently started thinking about how easy it is for most of my favourite games to be played solo as they are cooperative games, or at least have cooperative modes like Descent. So I thought I would embark on a journey in to the dark, and stereotypically lonely, world of solo play by playing through some of the Descent campaigns. 

Today I sat down for about an hour and a half and played through the first mission in the Rise of all Goblins campaign that I have previously played and filmed on the Missing Geek channel. 
As you can see it all fits quite nicely on to the currently unclaimed computer table, just don't ask for a shutoff the rest of the room as it is covered in foam trays!

Finishing another Lieutenant

Finished up Ariad as my first lieutenant from the Labyrinth of Ruin expansion for Descent, and was a classic case of feeling pretty terrible about it half way through then rather pleased with myself at the end. I started to really focus on some of the advice I had been listening to on the Trapped Under Plastic podcast about the application of time on different painting jobs. particularly how you can spend time on key features rather than the whole model when painting model that are actually going to be used for games rather than show pieces.
Really pleased with the use of a pale green to caret the gems on the chest and head to contrast the red tones as this wasn't on the art work but I thought it would add a more Queenly air and break up the gold.

The neck bandarges were annoying at first but after I had finished I felt they really helped make the head  and bodice stand out from each other.

Really wanted to try NMM gold but I am actually pleased with the way the metallic parts have come out, especially the face 

My go to for bandages would always be the beige cloth kind but the art was clearly blue/grey tones and I think it worked a lot better in the end, even though it meant I had to make a few visits to the games store to pick up the different greys I needed as I went along.