Sunday, 30 June 2013

Finding new places to play!

In the spirit of finding new opportunities to play more games, Amanda and I stumbled upon a new games store just around the corner from us! The Missing Geek in Staines is the smallest games store I have ever been in but the owner of the store Alan is a really nice guy  who is running Wednesday and Friday night gaming (open gaming on Wednesdays, Magic on a Friday). Whilst it's currently a very intimate setting (smaller than my kitchen I think), he will be moving it to a much larger venue as soon as he can hammer out a deal that won't cripple him. This means that I can hopefully get a some regular weekly gaming in as Amanda is very found of the Running club on Wednesdays. I bought a copy of Smash Up which I'm hopefully going to take along this Wednesday but Amanda and I played a game of the DC Deck builder  so I thought I'd give it a swift review.

Quick over view - You are a hero (I was Batman!) and you are collecting/defeating Villians, Super Powers, Equipment and Locations from the centre pool of five cards. Your heros ability pushes you towards a particular resource (Batman loves equipment, Superman the powers etc) so their is a fair amount of variety. The timer is a stack of Super Villains (not to be confused with the basic villains) and once they are all defeated you total up the value of the cards in your deck and the highest is the winner (much like all the other deck builders). 

Things I liked:
- The theme is really strong as whilst Batman can get X-ray vision he works so much better with a stack of equipment like his bat signal and cape & cowl.
- The Villains attack meaning there is an extra layer to managing your deck so that you can have the cards with defence abilities to stop you getting owned by a player (Amanda as Wonderwoman, no we didn't pick characters it just happened!) who loves collecting/defeating Villains.
- The art work is of course amazing!

Things that made me go hmm:
- As with all deck builders the level of analysis paralysis can bog the game down some what as the abilities begin to trip off each other (which is fun to watch the first few times) or just understanding which card to buy as some do rather complex things (yes Riddler I'm looking at you!).
- If you've payed any deck building game then you'll pick this up in a flash (ok, half a pun intended) which leaves me wondering at the games longevity. 

I won't score it until I've played some more and am tempted to get it as I'd rather play it than Ascension but wonder if deck building is just better on the tablet devices?

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