Sunday, 23 February 2014

Mechcanicum army idea

Looked over the ad mech lists on the way home and with what I've got and am planning to buy I came up with the following list as an ally list for my iron warriors;

Cybernetica -1495

Magos -65 (165)
Archmagos +35
Cyber-familiar +15
Machanitor array +25

Thallax (6) -255 (285)
Heavy chainblade +30

Castellx (5) -425 (450)
Flamer x5 +25

Myrimdon destructors (3) -120 (225)
Conversion Beamer x3 +105

Knight errant -(370)

What do people think (30k only obviously)


  1. Filthy and horrible. I'm sure it'll do well :)

  2. Hard to judge, I think I need to sit down and have a good look at what it all does :D
