Well the codex was released on ITunes at midnight and was waiting for me when I got home so here's a few musings I've found giving it a brief perusal.
Ghazkul is now a little abusable, if you take a green horde formation, throw in old Ghaz after the first turn he can call a Waaaugh every turn making all troops fearless, fleet, Hamer of wrath on a 10+ charge with rerolls, allowing mega armour to run/fleet and making his save 2+ inv. probably not play tested much with this combo, but drastically changes a foot slogger army and makes him hideous.Throw in a Warbiss with Headeoppas Kill choppa(instant death, rending, decapitating +2 strength choppa) and you have a very nasty pair of Killy boss'.
Kills Kans are less useful although how avaiable in units if up t6 to make up for there being way too many options to take in HS.
Lootas now having dedicated transports cool, and 5 vehicle Scorcha squads who outflank can be interesting.
Painboys being a whopping 50 pts and taking up a HQ choice instead of a Nob upgrade sucks. Meks being able to be bought at 15 pts as a add on to a unit per HQ choice is interesting, giving access to kill saws and s8 ap2 pistols.
The Mob rule is overly complicated. Weird boys get Force weapons and access to chaos summoning powers is odd but good for a conversion or three(orkified great unclean one....ork the orc idol being used as a stand in for a GreTer Deamon).
You'll see some very odd things soon, Big Meks can take a war bike with a Shokk attack gun and a git finder.
Over all I can't see me buying a Morkanaught except for a laugh with a stompa, it's too expensive and Orks work soo much better as foot slogger a now.
Now to make my army with 270 grots(9 units of 30, all legal and contesting/scoring using the organisation chart)
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