Saturday, 18 October 2014

Spiel Day 1

You have already seen the hall from everyone.

This is a list of all the games we got in today. In order. I played all of these. :0)

From Iello:
King of New York - great bought it.

Eat me of you can - fun May buy it. The big bad wolf visits.

Night of the Grand Octopus - Will is going to buy it. Cute Cthulhu!

Superduo - bought it. Superhero adventure which has two winners.
Some cute Alien Attack game - ok, badly demoed.
Wash Dash - fun, didn't buy it - you hang out washing.
Star Realms - cool deck building game, assession meets magic. Me and Will bought it

A Dino memory game.

Fun Farm - bough it. Grab the round animal stress toy.

Golem Arcana - odd and pointless why am I using a tablet or why am I using miniatures. Technology use is forcing the game to play in a unrealistic way.

Guardians Chronicles - interesting but odd mechanics that broke the narrative.

Played Back in the room
Road Kill Rally - cool racing game Lee bought.

Tomorrow we will aim to play Cthulhu War, Lobotomy and Dragonscroll.



  1. looks like good times.
    was there a stand out 'game of the weekend' ?

  2. ^^ I second this question
    The pic of Wash Dash made me laugh, that's gotta be up there for "themes people will struggle with"
    Looking forward to trying some of your new acquisitions :D

  3. For me the stand out game was Star Realms. Sunday Post coming soon.
