Friday, 21 July 2017

Playing new and old games

Rob and I got some games in at the Missing Geek last Saturday. Two new and one old favourite.

First up was one of my kickstarters Family Plot. 
Plays a bit like Evil Baby Orphanage but quicker and simpler. You are trying to put together a randomly generated family combo whilst your opponent tries to kill yours and build their own. Probably plays better with more players. Suffers from a similar problem of feeling like the game restarts too often with the death cards.
Next up was Five minute Dungeon, also a kickstarted game.
Great theme and very fun but the theme gets completely lost once the timer starts which I find gives a really odd playing experience as you enjoy the challenge but completely miss all the names and art of the card as you are frantically trying to match 
 Finally we finished the first campaign for Mice and Mystics!
Colin starts this mission tooled up!

All the characters are used and they had collected a real array of abilities

You start facing the evil Venestra and her rats with your party split up,  she is pretty scary!

We eventually won! and this is the state our characters were in...

..we even survived Rob's constant attempts to get his mice captured by searching at every opportunity! though he did turn up a spear so that was cool!

My main character Lily ended with a cool collection of abilities and I can't wait to get the next campaign going, I think I spied zombie rats!

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