But before I could start I needed to do two things...
The first thing was a plan. So I started with the base game set and decided complete one expansion at a time. The logic behind this is as follows: 1- in the app I can select the specific expansions that can be used to ensure that all the models used in the game will be painted. 2 - If I mess up I will only need to replace a specific amount of models from one purchase (yep going positive!). 3 - I don't want to get to the point you do with large armies for miniature games where there are so many things to paint that it puts you off. 4 - the models in the base game are most likely to appear most often.
Second was to prep the models by straightening, scrubbing drying, de-flashing and green stuffing them.
I ran out of spray right as I finished the shadow dragons, so no heroes until I get out to the shops. |
Most of the shadow dragons are finished, this painting stuff is so easy! |
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