Thursday, 8 March 2018

Decent progress on Descent models!

Here is my progress so far on the Merriods for Descent. 

Whilst the colour scheme is pretty standard, i.e. follows the art on the card for the model, I am really pleased with it and think these are my favourite models so far. Some blue wash, some highlights and a mix of matt and a decision on matt or gloss varnish (I really like the idea of them looking wet but matt would keep them consistent with the others) and we are done!
P.s for the observant reader, no the Vallejo blue in the background is not the paint I used.

Saturday, 3 March 2018

Finally finished some models...and started new ones!

Good morning peeps! I finally found a few regular periods of time to make painting progress... lunch hour and when the boy is being put to bed! Thus I can give a long over due update on my painting progress.