Saturday, 3 March 2018

Finally finished some models...and started new ones!

Good morning peeps! I finally found a few regular periods of time to make painting progress... lunch hour and when the boy is being put to bed! Thus I can give a long over due update on my painting progress.

First up are my Cave Spiders and Zombies for Descent. I am still adjusting to the difference in sculpt/material quality and the concept that these are not models that need to represent my best ability but look good at arms reach. Particular as they are the monsters so will really get picked up and examined by the players the way the hero models will. Plus they are good practise for when I do the heroes!
I gave up trying to video the painting of these models as I wasn't happy with the set up and realised that getting the base set complete quickly will let me play with my game sooner (yes, obvious I know).

It may not be apparent but the flesh and cloth are different colours, the reason I went this route is that the stories always talk about them looking like a pile of cloth before the surprise the adventurers. Plus once you get the bases done they have a decent contest to make the features stand out.

Happier with these than I thought I would be. Really enjoying the effect the matt varnish gives when applied with a brush. I was advised to use satin/gloss then matt to get better protection, but who has time for that?
 I have also been getting my demons/abyssal force together for Kings of War in preparation for getting people together to play/learn. It was a bit of  mental hurdle to glue down all my 40k army but given I am not likely to play that system for a very long time I can make the sacrifice! Just basing todo on most of the models.

I have experimented with ghostly glow/fire for my flame bearers as I wanted them to stand out and am incredibly lazy when it comes to KoW units, as is the point of the use any models rules! Once again they will hopefully look great once based. Just can't decide on adding some pink tongues and bronze weapons...

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