Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Finishing a fishy business!

Here are the finished Merriods...

The shading and highlights have a greater contrast but the lighting doesn't show it up too well.

That said, these are my favourite models for Descent so far, they are exactly as I wanted them.

Even the large empty spaces on the base have come up with some really nice textures, must be the practice

After these I started work on the elementals, I have looked at quite a few versions of these online and they pose a very tricky prospect as the sculpt has all four elements in it (air, water, earth & fire) meaning the colours can really butt up against each other. So far I am happy and unhappy with the progress. It is beginning to resemble my vision for each section but I have lots of work to do to get them sit harmoniously together. 
I have never been confident with painting flames so have lots of work to do on those

I thought the teal/sea green water would help differentiate the air and water sections, even though they use the same wash.
 After these come the Eating then back to the little folks (goblins and flesh moulders) then I am done with the monsters from the base game!

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