Saturday, 23 June 2018

The changing painting habits of a busy gamer!

A dual post toda. On the one hand I offer evidence that my Descent painting has not curled up and died in a dank corner of a dungeon! On the other a short insight in to my changed attitude towards painting.
Flesh Moulders in the flesh, or should that be robes, or plastic?

Once again the varying casting quality caused by the difference in the properties of the two colours of plastic mean that the details on some of these models are almost non existent. I say this not as a complaint towards FFG but as a way to explain some of the invidious comparisons that creep into my brain when I look up other painters efforts on the internet as inspiration for colour schemes and enthusiasm (I should ask Alanis if that is ironic!). That aside I have enjoyed painting these so far. The robes were a concern then I remembered no one was picking thump to peer up their skirts so a messy crouch won't kill my sense of achievement! The white piping will eventually turn yellow and the flames will be worked on to make them more dramatic (no lighting effects, I don't have time to experiment!). So very nearly finished after another couple of highlights on the robes.

The other thing I wanted to mention was how my attitude towards painting has changed (I'm sure I've mentioned this before...). I used to try to just power through hours upon hours of painting when I had to get armies done and by the end of it I felt burnt out and often disappointed with the final result, mainly as they were inevitably in need of some form of TLC to correct the working errors. Now I find 45-60 mins each day to complete one task well has left me feeling much better about not only my over all progress on a project but my skill level as well. Yes as a teacher I understand repetition of a skill is far better than large stints of work separated by long periods of inactivity, but it is funny to be on the receiving end of that principle in my hobby life. I just wondered what other folks' paint habits were like at the moment?
May your brush points stay sharp!

1 comment:

  1. I've been picking up the sea elves, as you know, and found setting myself the challenge of doing them in manageable chunks (and importantly, NOT buying and building the whole army up front) has led to me getting stuff actually finished.
    Granted, ive not managed anywhere near the target of one unit per week (more like one per 4 or 5).
    But ive got the unit im working on and paints i need for it set up on a tray ready to get out when ive got 20-30 mins spare (and im in the mood) its definitely led to me getting more done than i have in years. (Actually, i guess one of the things that has tended to make these dudes drag a little longer is how long the basing takes, as each layer of water effect takes around a day to dry, worth it though, i'll try and get some good snaps on here soon)
