Thursday, 2 August 2018

Making magic happen!

Here is a quick image reel of how the next Descent hero has turned out. Images after the jump.

Yes base coating pessimism at it's finest, I did not feel happy at this stage, so I went and bought a load of other paints...

And actually the bluer green really worked a lot better, also helps when things get some shade/tonal depth

Piping (particularly yellow) seems to be a theme for a lot of the Descent heroes, luckily I am getting neater with each attempt

Saw something similar on Twitter and thought it might help with the photos. It does but I made this way too big!
All done apart from the varnish. Hard to see but around the waste are blood drop jewels so those years of painting Blood Angels has come in handy again!
The book had engraved parts for the text but it was harder than expected to get it to work as the paint wanted to just run into the recesses when applying highlights.
Sometimes you wonder why you bother when you realise no one is ever going to look at the bottom of a book but I just can't leave it unfinished.
I can now actually play fully painted Descent as long as I take the two painted heroes, so yay! Next up will be the Wendigos from Deephall expansion so that I can eventually get on with painting Hawthorn then I can play for real!! End of summer target...

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