Friday, 20 September 2019

Getting back to work and wishing I was painting!

This is the time of year that my painting takes a serious holiday as I am trying to get my head around the new academic year, so I thought that I would just reminisce about the progress I made over the summer. I managed to finish off the monsters from The Trollfens and five the Lieutenants packs from the base game. It is great to be able to focus on a single miniature to try out some new techniques like source lighting!

First every attempt at source lighting and very pleased.

Saturday, 3 August 2019

Descent update!

Image dump of the progress I have made on the Descent models as I have now finished all the minions for Labyrinth of Ruin.
Love these models so much, can't wait to get them on the table.

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Finishing Descent models

I realised I hadn't updated this in a long while and I had made loads of progress on my Descent models!
My first set of Heroes ready to kick minion backsides

Monday, 18 March 2019

realising how much time it takes to move!

Last time I finished a Descent model was October!?! I had grossly underestimated both how long it would take me to paint the crypt dragons and just how much time moving a few hundred miles and switching jobs takes up!

Really happy with how these have turned out and can't wait to get them to the table.I must follow the card art more often!