Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Making progress on Descent

Quick image dump for my painting progress:

Finished Lord Hawthorne, one of my favourite things to paint in years and done in 20 days of  1-1.5 hr sessions every other day when Amanda was putting the boy to bed!

What I am particularly happy with is the 3D print had some rough surfaces but they never  became a problem

Current models on the painting station, I forgot how different it is trying to base coat with standard paints instead of the GW base series.

Yep, I know I use the wrong technique for flames but I like the solidity that the shadow recesses gives rather than the light recesses (my last experiment when poorly)

1 comment:

  1. those little demons look so good!
    I'm currently deliberating whether to paint the figures with my batman KS or leave em be. if i start, it needs to ALL get done, after all.
    Do you find you have any issues with chipping with any of your descent figs?
