Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Going to a very distant land...
Wanted to plonk up a quick write up about our Adventure Time Munchkin on Sunday.
I've never actually played a Munchkin game before so was coming in fresh. Once we'd ironed out a couple of instances of misreading the rules in game one, game two seemed to go really nicely with a bit of ebb and flow and much dicking over of other players. I did like that the play time wasnt so short that you didnt feel particularly invested, but not so long that it dragged.
So a thumbs up for the game itself from a mechanics and play point of view.
As for the license aspect, i really dont think you could ask much more from an adventure time themed game, its absolutely choc-a-block full of references. I do particularly like that the character cards have the opposing gender versions like Fiona and Cake on the flip side.
I can see this being a game that id be more than happy to crack out in that gap between other 'bigger' games for quite some time.
4/5 Richs! (thanks again Dave!)
Monday, 29 December 2014
Playing with new things!
Wednesday, 24 December 2014
Wishing peeps a very Merry Christmas!
Saturday, 13 December 2014
Perusing the new BA codex.
Friday, 5 December 2014
Left thinking WTF GW?
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Finally finishing a model!
Sunday, 23 November 2014
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Making painting progress
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Finished the white wings and all the gems (oddly my favourite thing to paint!) |
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I find it odd how one model can make me so excited to get an army out and play, then again it has sat on the table for over a year waiting to be finished! |
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Catching up on an old project.
Friday, 7 November 2014
Musing over the Psychic phase.
Sunday, 2 November 2014
Updating the Astra Militarum!
Saturday, 1 November 2014
Word Bearers first outing
I decided that before I went back to work I would visit my local gaming store. I discovered That they are starting a 30k campaign. Each player using a 1500pts list. I had to have a taster game and break the Word bearers in!
My opponent was Alpha legion. The army comprised: primarch with 10 vets and rhino (sniper/ preferred enemy/ outflank), 10 Head hunter kill team with Exdos(preferred enemy/nasty bastard), 10 marines in rhino, 5 Lernean terminators.
Word Bearers list: Logar, 5 Terminators, 10 dark brethren, 10 Ashen Circle, Mortis Contemptor with two kheres Assault cannon.
Turn 1 saw the Alpha do nothing little with just terminators moving down centre and head hunters hiding just far enough away from dark brethren to sniper one dead (Exdos)
In return the Contemptor whirled death in a hail of bullets to two terminators in the centre as my terminator added a third death to there number. The Ashen circle and Dark Brethren pushed forward.
Turn 2 Primarch and vets came on just on table edge(my back corner) to snipe dark brethren with preferred enemy, 4+ to wound and 6's rending wounding Logar twice!
Marines fired fury of legion at rapid fire range on Dark brethren causing 2 more to die and head hunters picking of another 2. His terminators just made a charge on my Contemptor who just shrugged it off.
The Ashen circle helped the Contemptor by ripping apart the remaining terminators. The brethren failed a charge on marines through cover. My terminators headed towards their vets on flank picking 1 off.
Turn 3 The Alpha marines were exhausted and the head hunters picked of another brethren. Vets took out a terminator. If only I could just them all in charge range!!!
Ashen circle had the taste of blood and jumped 5 men within flame range of Alpha marines(marine on toast sir) the dark brethren took it in their stride to polish off the remain few. Contemptor and terminator kept closing in on vets unleashing bolt rounds, killing 2 more.
Turn 4 Head hunters charged Ashen killing two with pistol shots and another 2 with impact hits ouch!( rolled 1 flame over watch attack each causing no wounds) . I basically was down to one man after combat and had killed two in return( have ap 2 daggers, these guys are bloody hards shooting and combat). Exdos had broken off and picked off last brethren with help of Primarch.
Lone Ashen flamed then charged Exdos wounding him twiceand forcing him to flee.
Contemptor really let loose killing 3 vets just befor Terminator and Logar charged in! Combat left the two primarchs and two of my terminators.
Turn 5 The head hunters riddled the lone Ashen brother with bolt rounds leaving a bloody mess.
alpha Primarch killed the already wounded Logar and chased down the remaining terminator.
The Contemptor went out in a blasé of glory causing 2 more wounds by shooting and then charging the Primarch before being pulled apart.
What a great game. Contemptor was my man of the match!
Dark brethren really need a delivery system of to deep strike so will get charge next turn.
Watch out for nasty alpha legion combo rule sets. Sure you will see many vets with outflank,snipe and preferred enemy.
Friday, 31 October 2014
Playing with myself!
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Playing Descent!
Monday, 27 October 2014
Playing board games!
TableTop Double Header: Game 2
To continue the theme we used one of the Ork 'Altar of War' missions which basically gave us a 3 objectives mission with the standard secondaries.
TableTop Double Header: Game 1
Popped along to tabletop with Tom and Rob yesterday and got 2 games in, heres a photo write up!
Sunday, 26 October 2014
Painting Daemons again.
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Essen Day 2.
Saturday, 18 October 2014
Spiel Day 1
Friday, 17 October 2014
Spiel, so far so gutten
Smooth flight and good weather over here, ready to let the carnage begin. The Haribo has been flowing and the good times are rollingz
Monday, 13 October 2014
Watching Star Wars Rebels!
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
Thursday, 2 October 2014
Bloody rotters!
Friday, 26 September 2014
Pondering: D Weapons
Just a quick discussion generator, have the 7th ed changes to D weapons made them 'acceptable'...
Yes? No? Maybe?
I'm currently on the fence having not really faced them yet. I think the 6th ed/escalation rules were a flat out no. But i think i'd be willing to give them a shot now at least.
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Descent & Daemons
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Metallics & Glazes - The New Hotness?
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
Painting Update
Its been a while since we've had anything up here so i thought id drop a couple of snaps of my outriders unit on here. Got em finished towards the end of last week.
Sunday, 3 August 2014
Playing with a brother!
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
More Midweek Heresy
Had another 3000 point game, this time vs Toms Ad Mech.
This time we had quite a nice centrepiece to fight over in the form of a 'Dark Angels Action fortress Thing'.
Following that i also got challenged by a guy with his Tau who was curious to try his hand against a primarch.
Follow the jump for the snaps and recaps!
Monday, 28 July 2014
Sunday, 27 July 2014
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Making my games work better!
Monday, 21 July 2014
Finishing our game of 40k!
Sunday, 20 July 2014
Playing more 40k!
Friday, 18 July 2014
Fixing simple errors!
Tuesday, 15 July 2014
Midweek Heresy Game Photo Dump
Played some heresy last night at tabletop so i thought id dump the photos i managed to remember to take. As you may notice the photos tail off pretty soon into the game (isn't that always the way? perhaps we need to start allocating an extra person to be record keeper)
Saturday, 12 July 2014
The end game!
Final tally
Will - 12 vps
Charlie - 6 vps
Will faced off against a total of an extra 1291 points not including the models that came through the portalglyph with only 1250 points!
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Having finished off the Tervigon the Great Unclean One decides to take on a Flyrant! |
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The Bloodletters and Plaguebearers finally get an opportunity to roll some dice, luckily for them it was against the worst unit of Gaunts the world has ever seen! |
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As the game ca,e to a close that's all that was left |
Turn 4!
- Charlie's psychic mastery has floundered as a comination of bad deep strikes, poor warp storm and a sea of Nids killed off his main casters!
- So far Will has killed two Greater Daemons and now faces another extra one in the form of a Great Unclean One!
- Will has achieved more Tactical objectives so far but the worm could turn!
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See those Daemons in the bottom of the picture they both misshaped and were placed way ut of the fight by Will |
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Odd how Tzeentch Herald turns into a Nurgle Greater Daemon |
Will & Charlies's fist game of 7th!
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The Green tide pours forth. |
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Yes you can see two Soul Grinders, a Lord of Change and four Heralds. |
Thursday, 10 July 2014
Thinking about games that I've still never played!
Saturday, 5 July 2014
Finishing our Descent campaign!
Friday, 4 July 2014
Rueing the day I stopped taking my own advice!
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X-wing counters and templates! |
Sunday, 29 June 2014
Thinking about tactical objective cards.
Friday, 27 June 2014
Musing over the Ork Codx
Ghazkul is now a little abusable, if you take a green horde formation, throw in old Ghaz after the first turn he can call a Waaaugh every turn making all troops fearless, fleet, Hamer of wrath on a 10+ charge with rerolls, allowing mega armour to run/fleet and making his save 2+ inv. probably not play tested much with this combo, but drastically changes a foot slogger army and makes him hideous.Throw in a Warbiss with Headeoppas Kill choppa(instant death, rending, decapitating +2 strength choppa) and you have a very nasty pair of Killy boss'.
Kills Kans are less useful although how avaiable in units if up t6 to make up for there being way too many options to take in HS.
Lootas now having dedicated transports cool, and 5 vehicle Scorcha squads who outflank can be interesting.
Painboys being a whopping 50 pts and taking up a HQ choice instead of a Nob upgrade sucks. Meks being able to be bought at 15 pts as a add on to a unit per HQ choice is interesting, giving access to kill saws and s8 ap2 pistols.
The Mob rule is overly complicated. Weird boys get Force weapons and access to chaos summoning powers is odd but good for a conversion or three(orkified great unclean one....ork the orc idol being used as a stand in for a GreTer Deamon).
You'll see some very odd things soon, Big Meks can take a war bike with a Shokk attack gun and a git finder.
Over all I can't see me buying a Morkanaught except for a laugh with a stompa, it's too expensive and Orks work soo much better as foot slogger a now.
Now to make my army with 270 grots(9 units of 30, all legal and contesting/scoring using the organisation chart)
Monday, 16 June 2014
Mulling over gamer kleptomania!
So first a quick correction, it's not really about kleptomainia but the need to be a completest. Kleptomainia just ryhmed so well!
I was thinking about the way gamers always seem to 'need' to buy the next or latest thing and just have to keep hold of things for the sake of completism and it made me wonder why?
Over the weekend I took the time to go through my piles of books and games/audio cds to see what I could get for them as trade-ins on Amazon etc. Overall I netted around £130 all told for stuff which was just taking up room but it was hard to break up collections until I stopped to think of when was the last time I even considered using the stuff.
My most obvious completest projects were Descent 1st edition and 40k codices. Both of which I have cracked down on over the years and now have a far odder complusion. The need to have all the board games I hear about being good. It seems odd, I know, but to me it's the same problem. I see all these games and I really want to own them, even if I have access to a copy at someone else's place! It's almost as if I just want to look at all the games in the cupboard and bask in the glory of all the potential gaming fun!
So what's your gaming completest itch?