Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Having a bad day with Mayday Games

A quick hobby update with a sad ending.

Having found myself with quite a few hours spare (thanks Raef!) and some one unexpected funds (thanks Ebay!) I decided to go back through my games collection and sleeve up all unprotected games. My sleeves of choice are Ultimate Guard but as we know not all manufacturers are smart/considerate/sane enough to use standard card sizes so I had to go back to Mayday Games to get sleeves for the larger cards 65x100mm (Raise your Goblets and Coup) 80x120mm (Dixit). 

These are the sleeves I first bought for descent and I found that over the years there was a variance in the sleeve sizes which causes a problem when you need to create a random deck of cards but I only needed two packs of each card size so I figured I might get away with it. here is the result:
Now how on earth do you sell sleeves that are different in size and expect people not to return them? just incase you can't tell they are Dixit cards so that gap is a good few mm's. So sadly I am now in the process of contacting the seller to get a replacement/refund. Any one know a company that makes larger card size sleeves which can combine quality and consistency?


  1. I've heard plenty of horror stories about Mayday sleeves yet for some reason I still gave em a try and bought 6 packs of them for Cosmic Encounter. They were a pretty tight fit, and a few I threw out as they were even smaller, but reasonably consistent other than that so I think I lucked out...

  2. Oh and for a better company for weird sleeve sizes, try Swan Panasia. They're very plain bog-standard sleeves but reasonably priced and seemingly in every configuration you might need (even the alien cards from Cosmic Encounter)

    1. the site I use is boradgameextras and they do Swan as well but I really like the quality of Ultimate Guard so many of the other companies products feel inferior. Guess I am better off have sleeves the same size even if they are a bit thinner.

  3. i thought UG did a special sleeves for Dixit. they did at the show. With Oceania and jorvik i double sleeved with UGs as couldn't find any that for the size but gave them the rigidity which worked fine.

    1. Yes the do seem to but Dark Sphere don't sell them and the are premium not supreme so I missed them on the website (not that you can buy from UG website any way!) Magic Mad house sell them but they are out of stock so I guess I'm just a sad panda after all!
