Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Thinking about designing games.

It's that time of year (month/week/day?) that my mind turns to trying to come up with a set of rules for a Sci-Fi game that would allow people to play with any companies models, much like Kings of War. I have been inspired by playing and watching Dark Age and Guild Ball so went back to my previous idea and looked at a way of making a set of rules which would work at both the kill team size game (or Dark Age like) and at your army scale (40k as we remember and love it). these rules I will present another time but here I have for you the missions!

I always liked the idea of hidden objectives and asymmetrical games. 2nd ed 40k was so fun because part of the game was working out what the hell your opponent was trying to achieve. And whilst Dark Age and current 40k have a lot os this with lots of random cards I wanted something simpler and expandable with future expansions. so here goes draft one:

Themed play - Players agree a set of missions for each player that they feel explains the reason for the conflict.
Competitive play - Players secretly select two missions each (either use cards or write them down). Players select one to be their Primary objective (this is only relevant in the case of a tie)

Each mission lists the criteria for the ways each player scores Victory Points (here after referred to as VPs) for that mission. The attacking player is the one who chose the mission, the defending player/s are the their opponents.

Attacker - At the start of turn 3 choose up to three models on the board with the Inspire rule, you score VPs equal to each models Cmd value when it is removed as a Casualty.
Defender - From the start of turn 4 score 1 VP for each of the models selected by the Attacker that haven’t been removed as a Casualty . The total you can collect from each model may not exceed their Cmd value.

No Quarter
Attacker - At the end of the game you score 1 VP for each 100pts (rounding to the nearest 100) of the Defender’s army that has been removed as a Casualty.
Defender - At the end of the game you score 1 VP for each 100pts (rounding to the nearest 100) of the Attacker’s army that has been removed as a Casualty.

Attacker - Beginning at the end of turn three score 1 VP for each objective marker you control at the end of each turn. If you control an objective for two consecutive turns you may choose to remove it from the board.
Defender - Beginning at the end of turn three score 1 VP for each objective marker the Attacker does not control.

Hold Out
Attacker - At the end of the game you score 1 VP for each 100pts (rounding to the nearest 100) of the your army wholly within your Deployment Zone that hasn’t been removed as a Casualty.
Defender - At the end of the game you score 1 VP for each 100pts (rounding to the nearest 100) of the your army that is wholly within the Attacker’s Deployment.

Claim LZ
Attacker - During Step 4 of Game Setup, secretly write down the number of one of the objective markers. At the end of each turn you score 1 VP for each 100pts (rounding to the nearest 100) of your army that is wholly within 12” of that objective marker.
Defender - Cancel all VPs earned by the Attacker for this Mission if the points total of your models wholly within 12” of their chosen objective marker is higher than the Attackers.

Attacker - At the end of each turn place a counter on each objective marker you control. At the end of the game score one VP for each of your counters on the table.
Defender - At the end of each turn remove one of the Attacker’s counters from each objective marker you control. At the end of the game score one VP for each of the counters removed this way.

The concept is that you have lots of ways to score points and have to think about what your opponents army is good at and aren't stuck some random objectives you can't complete but can be put at a big disadvantage if your opponent selects missions you are not suited to.

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